Regio Insubrica Award - Church of Saint Biagio Cittiglio (Varese)

D.R.I. I-003 and D.A.I. LB-0236

On August 30 we completed the activations of the permanent Award called "Regio Insubrica" activating the important Romanesque monument based on archaeological excavations brought to light that are important examples of religious history of Insubria. 

After a couple of visits to value the best layout of the station, we decided to use an aerial antenna, because activation was done in association with a food festival that the "Group of Friends of San Biagio" organized every year to raise funds for restoration. Having given permission to enter in the bell tower, Fulvio IZ2EXA built Windom with a 6:1 balun and in support of this antenna was placed a "fishing pole" 12 meters high made by Mario IZ2GAO, who oversaw the organization of this activity.

In addition to the reference of our graduation, the church bell tower had been referenced by Section ARI Busto Arsizio for the the Italian Abbeys Awards and it had never been activated before, so it was a newone. 

This activity of Insubria Radio Team has been dedicated to the memory of John I1UJX who has passed away on  August 18th and we were very pleased that several OMs contacted us only in his memory, having no interest in the two references.
Propagation was not the best, accompanied also with a strong QRM that did not give us respite for the whole day. 

The Insubria Radi Team was represented by: Roberto I2KJ, Agostino IK2FIQ, Luciano IW2LFD, Maurizio IZ1GJK, Marco IZ2DVI, Emanuela IZ2ELV, Fulvio IZ2EXA, Mario IZ2GAO and Andrea IZ2LSC, our video movie operator and we also received the welcome visit Agostino HB9DLV. 

At the end of the day we had 118 QSO in our log, unfortunately only one of them in CW!

Insubria Radio Team

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