Regio Insubrica permanent AWARD

1. The “Regio Insubrica” Award (D.R.I.) is issued by Insubria Radio Club with the purpose to  popularize the knowledge of landscapes, the historical, artistic heritage  and the rural culture of Euroregion  Regio Insubrica, which includes Ticino (Switzerland) and the provinces of Como, Lecco, Novara, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola and Varese:

2. The Award is supported by the across-the-border Work Community  “Regio Insubrica”.

3. All contacts are valid since Januar 1st, 2009 with the stations HB9IRC and/or IQ2IR, operated by the Insubria Radio Team, during their portable activities, with the purpose to  popularize the knowledge of landscapes, the historical, arstistic heritage, and the rural culture of Euroregion  Regio Insubrica,  will be activated:

  • Castles, towers, and difensive works, which could also be included among  entities for  D.C.I. – Italian Castles Award  (A.R.I. local branch of Mondově), D.C.S.-S.S.D Castles Award of Swizerland, d D.C.I.N. Award or Regio Insubrica and D.C.T.I. Castles Award of Canton Ticino (GSRC-SSFG Ham Radio  Group of Castles of Switzerland).
  • Churchs, Abbeys, Monastries, which could also be included among  entities for  D.A.I. – Italian Abbeys Award (A.R.I.  local branch of Busto Arsizio).
  • Lakes, which could also be included among  entities for  APL-D.L.I. Italian lakes Award (Section A.R.I. of Ivrea) and APL-WASL Worked All Swiss Lakes (HB9OAB).
  • Mountain summits,  which could also be included among  entities for  SOTA ITALIA (IK2NBU).

4. The radioamateurs who contact 3 activities worked by Insubria Radio Club, can apply the “Regio Insubrica Award”, sending the abstract of log with the following details of 3 QSO, moreover the personal references to our award manager Luciano HB9FBI

Date UTC Station Band Mode D.R.I. reference

5. Each Award will costs  Euro 10,00/USD 20,00, which will be entirely devolved to charity purposes, Contributions must be paid as follows:
PayPal ( 
Banking Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Busto Garolfo e Buguggiate - Ghiringhelli Fulvio and Paolicelli Mario IBAN: IT 65 I 08404 50700 000000041901

6. Endorsements: with other 5 contacts must be apply the sticker, which reproduces the ancient coin  Dramma Insubre in the colours bronze, silver and gold,  respectively  for the first, the second and the third  endorsement, to attach on the Award.

7. Each endorsement will cost Euro 5,00/USD 10,00 which will be entirely devolved to charity purposes, Contributions must be paid as at point 5.

8. Honour Roll: will be issued to somebody, who had applied the 3 previous endorsements.

9. Honour Roll will cost Euro 10,00/USD 20,00 which will be entirely devolved to charity purposes, Contributions must be paid as at point 5.

10. Honour Roll entdorsements: with other 5 contacts must be apply the sticker, which reproduces the ancient coin  Dramma Insubre in the colours bronze, silver and gold,  respectively  for the first, the second and the third  endorsement, to attach on the Honour Roll Award.

11. Each Honour Roll endorsement will cost Euro 5,00/USD 10,00 which will be entirely devolved to charity purposes, Contributions must be paid as at point 5.

12. Top Honour Roll: will be issued to somebody, who had applied all Honour Roll endorsements and collected 40 contacts with Insubria Radio Team and it’s free.

13. To obtain Top Honour Roll must apply it to Award manager, including all details concerning the previous Awards, endorsements and 40 contacts.

14. The list of activations will be published every year within Feb. 15th in website  and  announced on bulletin  “Info-radio” by I1SCL Ovidio. Later will follow updatings and dates of Insubria Radio Team’s activities.

List of activations 2009

  • Ref. HB9-001. Saint Apollinare Island said also Rabbits Island (Maggiore Lake) located in front of Ronco (Ascona-Ticino/Switzerland), with the bigger one Saint Pancrazio Island they are also said Brissago Islands. 
  • Ref. I-001. Piona Abbey – Colico (Lecco), located on the Olgisca peninsula. 
  • Ref. I-002. Mills of nature Park of Argentera in Cadegliano Viconago (Varese), with their wall paintings made in the XVIII and XIX century.


Dowloadable award rules in pdf format.

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