Guide Spirit
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.
W. J. Goethe
Insubria Radio Team will start the activities 2010 of the
Insubrica Award from the traditional “Village Festival” in
Buguggiate operating from the Hall square.
The City Administration has strongly wished that all the associations present in Buguggiate will take part to the choral event, in respect of the past traditions, when the children and all citizen gathered in the square for the "Village festival ".
shall operate both
in SSB and CW and there will always be our members who will
explain to the people the secrets of Ham Radio.
the exhibition the Award Manager Luciano HB9FBI gave the Regio
Insubrica Award Nr. 001
and 002 to Ivano IK2YXH and Fabio IZ2GMU
in the presence of Max HB9TUZ, Chairman of the administrative
headquarters in Lugano, the Secretary Mario IZ2GAO and Emanuela IZELV.
In the afternoon of Saturday we received a welcome visit of
A.R.I. Giancarlo Sanna IS0ISJ, Vice-President Alfredo Migliaccio I8IEM
and Antonio Mallamaci IK1ZOZ, accompanied by our partner Sergio IZ3CNM,
speaker at the Conference Organizing ARI-RE, which was held at Malpensa
Insubria Radio Team
Also this year the A.R.M.I. Italian Sailors Ham Radio and Insubria Radio Club are promoting the Contest "FRINDSHIP AWARD 2010 - Pro Haiti" to collect money for children survivors of the earthquake that struck the Caribbean island.
Accepted the invitation to participate in the Contest as activators also the Radio Clubs: Mediterraneo DX Club, Strange Radio Team and YL Elettra Marconi Radio Club.
The Insubria Radio Club will be present with the two callsigns IQ2IR and HB9IRC, thanks to the awareness and availability of the Swiss members.
Join with us!
our portable activities are hibernating, we wanted to start the new
year with a small burst of energy.
Thanks to Luciano IK2QPO, Maurizio IZ1GJK, Andrea IZ2LSC and Emanuela IZ2ELV we attended the 2010 CQ LOW BANDS without any ambitions and hopes of good finishes, keeping a baptism IQ2IR into the world of contests.
Without showing off great powers and large antennas, we logge about 200 QSOs in the bands of 40 and 80 meters, fighting with a strong QRM and QSB, and certainly not in favor of a propagation. It was a wonderful experience that surely we will repeat in the future, trying to organize a team of contesters.
As regards activities in 2010 valid for the Regio Insubrica Award we have many irons in the fire, which will see us engaged in three provinces moreover the Canton Ticino: Como, Novara and Varese. We think we can publish an estimate schedule by the end of February.
The next event will be exhibition "Computerfest & Amateur Radio" at Malpensa Fiere in Busto Arsizio on January 30th and 31st, where we will be present at our stand in the hall reserved for groups with our member Giorgio IK2DUV, who will make interviews for his HAM RADIO WEB TV.
It will be an excellent opportunity to greet with pleasure all SWL, YL and OM who will visit us and welcome with open arms those who wish to became a member of team!
Insubria Radio Team
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Our 2009 activations:
With great satisfaction we received the first requests of our permanent Award “Regio Insubrica”, which unofficially began in January 2009, but officially started with the activation of the Abbey of Piona (LC) on May 2, 2009.
For us it is especially honored to confer the Awards n ° 001 n ° 002 to our Members Ivano IK2YXH and Fabio IZ2GMU, father and son, who besides having always contacted the Insubria Radio Team during all itinerant activities, and they were always very present in our community life.
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Currently, the graphics of the Award is being finalized by our
Member Cesare IK2SFM, who has designed it and created all details, so
now we publish the two drafts and the parchements will be delivered as
soon as final to Ivan and Fabio, to whom we send the most felt
Insubria Radio Team